What if you were told to photograph something with your eyes closed? Would you able to do it? Probably not. But here is Pete Eckert, a photographer who has no vision but can create very impressive results using just his senses and his camera.
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As part of its international marketing campaign for the new Arteon, Volkswagen invited the blind American photographer Pete Eckert to capture the car in his special way. He has created these 10 extraordinary images of the Volkswagen Arteon.
Pete Eckert, who lives in Sacramento, California wasn’t born blind. He could very well see but an illness caused him to lose his sight. Before becoming blind he was preparing for his master’s degree in architecture at Yale but life had some other plans. Now Pete Eckert is a blind photographer who works with his other senses such as sound, touch and memory. Using his sense he creates the images in his mind and then using long exposures and colored light he is able to create unique effects around the subject. The result are really impressive just like the images you see here.
To create the artworks for the new Volkswagen Arteon, Pete Eckert first slowly traced the lines from the exterior to the interior and internalized every square centimetre of the bodywork until he captured the complete Arteon in his mind.
Next Pete with help of an aid used coloured lights which were captures by long exposures on his camera. This technique is more commonly known as light painting in the photography world. The images were captures on an analog camera in complete darkness. The results are breath-taking visualizations of the design of the Volkswagen Arteon and his mind’s eye.
Volkswagen Arteon by Pete Eckert – Image Gallery: